Uganda Game Tracking/Lion Tracking
Uganda Game Tracking/Lion Tracking
Uganda Game Tracking/Lion Tracking : Uganda game tracking is an exceptional experience that involves a visitor on tracking vehicles has taking a close watch at lions as you learn their behavior. And getting amazed with their life style. However,its an activity done with armed guide and researchers who assigned by the Uganda carnivore project, a project under the research department of Uganda Wildlife Authority. They have to go holding with radio collars to help them in monitoring the movements of the lions.
Game or lion tracking involves in learning much more about the habits of the Kings of the Jungle in protective natural plains of Kasenyi in Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park the most visited destination because of the unique tree climbing lions. Note Lion tracking is one of the most fabulous activities and commonly done on Uganda Wild Safari.
This is truly sounds better; has it was said that on 11th –February-2019 that there was a new spotted pride in Hamukungu where the 11 lions were killed by poisoning them. Now here comes a pride with two lionesses and seven cabs, something exciting.
Costs for the experimental activity of Lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth National Park.
The costs of a lion permit are at USD50 for international visitors and UGX 100,000 for East African Members. The charges made for lion tracking USD10 is cutoff and paid to the Uganda carnivores project which is responsible for the conservation of the lions in Queen Elizabeth national park.
The charges still made is inclusive of the park entrance fee to Uganda Queen Elizabeth national park. The lion tracking permits is bought direct from ‘’UWA’’ Uganda Wildlife Authority a body in charge of all Uganda’s conservation areas.

Game tracking is a researching experience that involves in few people who go with the researchers to track the lions in the open savannah plains with in the park. The researcher is provided by the ‘’UCP’’ Uganda Carnivores Project.
Note; There is a limited numbers of visitors are allowed to participate in this activity, meaning if you are to join the team you have to book in advance to be disappointed. This activity it’s a full package can take for 2 – 3 days depending on how you want to experience it. It can be done in two sessions; in the morning at 8am and late afternoon.
Why there is limited number of participates needed in the Game or Lion tracking
Lion tracking is totally different to any other game viewing experience, because it involves in research purposes like collecting accurate information and a limited number of trackers are allowed to engage in the lion tracking in Uganda Queen Elizabeth National park.
Other reasons to avoid crowds of visitors in the flied that stresses the animals. Lions of here are not familiar to humans so lots of people can actually stress them which is truly dangerous for the sustainability of the ecosystem. For this reason of a limited number of people allowed to an activity that helps tracker to enjoy activity on the right track.
Being few in number still you can have amazing chance of capturing clear pictures. Each participates can get an opportunity of seeing the lion before they get scared away by a lot of noise from much excitement of the visitors, if they are allowed.
Lastly, there much be a limited number of trackers allowed for the lion tracking activity in the park, in order to allow a well understanding of the lion habits, behaviors as well as getting more information from the professional researchers.
How is Lion Tracking Activity Done in Queen Elizabeth National Park
Due to time conscious, lion tracking should start with waking up early in the morning at around 8am to track, monitor and research about the pride in the jungle.
This is awesome experience done by researchers holding radio collar and radiation locators to find the hideout for lions. The data collected by the well trained researching team helps in conservation and understanding of the wildlife.
Note; kings of the jungle move in the groups of 3-25 individuals and are called prides. However, the number of lions usually increases during the tracking activity. For this case, it’s worth noting down the number seen first to avoid confusion.
The male lions look different from the lionesses, for them have a black mane and lioness do not have manes. But you shouldn’t under look them because are sometimes stronger than the male, fighting with the male to protect their cabs from being hunted or killed by the male of the lion.
Definitely it’s good to identity different signs that can help locate the lions. That is, the nocturnal vocalizations ‘’loud roar’’ their intensity the same goes to the hyenas for their signs is laugh and any other unusual signs of call for prey.
The bent grass in the plains also helps you to notify the direction where the lion has moved. Note, there is 95% chances of seeing lions in their protective savannah plains with in the park if you follow the ideas given.
Do Lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park Behave Different from any Other Lions in the protected Safari Destination.
This sounds as a common question to many because lions in Queen Elizabeth national park are tree climbing lions. The lions of here look unique which can be spotted in Ishasha sector while lazily hanging up in the candelabra tree branches of acacia trees as well as sycamore trees in the savannah plains of Uganda Queen Elizabeth national park
The lions make territories and they have to respect this rule or else can develop a fight between two males of different prides. This is the reason why they are called the King of the Jungle; Note two kings cannot rule one kingdom. Below are the different ways;
The male rubs its hind feet in the ground at around 20cent meter deep.
The king urinates on the tree stems around his territory to protect it from other prides.
The male lions make territories by rubbing their mane in the shrubs for easy identifying their territories. The mane of the male lion is black in color; its hair is totally different from the hair of the female lion.
There are other activities you can combine with lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park as highlighted below;
Chimpanzee Tracking; It can be carried out in the Kyambura gorge and starts early in the morning after a briefing, then be located to forest trails to search for them once are located one hour given to you to spend with them as you learn their way of life.
Birding; Queen Elizabeth national park is hoven for birders over 600 bird species can be spotted here.
Hiking and Nature walk; This is an activity which can be done through Mweya peninsular and Maramangambo forest allowing you to have chances of watching variety of primates, birds, animals on foot which is the best way of enjoying the smell and sounds of the wild in Queen Elizabeth national park. Visit the bat caves in maramangambo forest.
Boat cruise can be carried out on the Kazinga Channel that allows you to have rewardable sights of hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes and water birds.
Mongoose tracking; This activity can be done on foot with a guide that takes three hours tracking and once you find them, you will get to learn about the behavior of these small animals.
Getting to Queen Elizabeth National Park
From Kampala to access the main destination takes 5 to 6 hours drives. Alternatively, you can access the park by domestic flight ‘’Aero link Uganda’’ which lands to Ishasha Airstrip or Mweya Airstrip with in 1:30hours.